Wednesday 12 July 2017

Better than sliced bread

I give thanks for doing those Shiatsu stretches for the fourth day in a row! In my basic daily routine they used to be followed by three oms and a few minutes half lotus meditate on the three rounds each side of Salute to the Sun. If there was time and the mood took me there would be more meditation or yoga of various kinds. I'm not consciously trying to head in that direction, my conscious mind suspects even one round of saluting the sun would lead to a semi permanent state of Savasana, but I did this for pretty much half my life and even after such a short reintroduction it's as if I've rediscovered a forgotten part of myself that I would now like to keep remembering, so we will have to see. Apart from any physical limitations it's dependent on a piece of peacefulness at a suitable time in the day so no point in forming any attachments (as ever) but I give thanks for getting this far anyway. Oh, and apologies if you've no idea what I'm talking about...salutations if you have!

I give thanks for managing to cut two slices of sourdough bread at just the right thickness to make a sandwich. I don't eat a lot of sandwiches mostly because I don't really like sliced bread but can do a lot of damage to decent loaf even trying to cut it chunky for toast, so this was a great achievement. For a tasty filling of lettuce (funnily enough) with sliced yellow pepper, cherry tomato and black olives.

I give thanks for a remarkably large piece of peacefulness today. By golly it does you good! And when folk returned, and I began to feel a bit invaded, for also feeling up for an evening stroll. For living somewhere where an evening stroll can be peaceful too.

I give thanks I made today's tea yesterday and have a pan of dahl waiting as my stroll was a bit of an uphill struggle in places and I'm a mite fatigued you could say...if you were being polite!

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